Fashion Magazine

Wardrobe Full of Clothes and Nothing to Wear – Free Masterclass

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Let me ask you a question?  Have you ever said to yourself “I’ve got a wardrobe full of clothes, yet still feel like I’ve got nothing to wear!” while you’re feeling totally frustrated and annoyed that with all the shopping you’ve done and the stuff that’s in your closet you feel unstylish and guilty at the waste?

Or maybe…

You avoid shopping (in fact you’d say you hate it) because you are overwhelmed when you do go shopping.  You just can’t find anything that seems to work for you, or you are scared of wasting more money on another garment that isn’t right for you? 

Maybe you may have a bare wardrobe because it’s hit dire straights because you avoid shopping so much and the clothes you do wear are starting to look worn out.

If you can relate to either of these two wardrobe woes then I want you to join me for my free online masterclass that will help you understand why you have the wardrobe of your nightmares now and some simple steps you can take to turn it into one of your dreams.


Join me in this style masterclass:

  • If you’re sick of feeling overwhelmed and not sure how to start improving your style
  • If you’re sick of feeling guilty because you’ve wasted so much on clothes that you don’t love and that don’t love you back
  • If you’re sick of feeling uninspired by what you own
  • If you’re sick of feeling like you’ve got nothing to wear

I want…

  • I want you to start building your wardrobe the smarter way, to find your confidence and your style, one that’s completely authentic to you, one that makes you feel great every single day.  
  • I want you to overcome style stress and wardrobe angst.
  • I want you to feel fabulous all the time, not only because you look gorgeous and stylish, but also because you don’t feel guilty about your style (or the money you spend on it).
  • I want you to be confident so that you have the gumption and tenacity to go for your goals because that confidence that comes from within when you know that your style is supporting you, gives you more courage, certainty, and charisma.

Don’t let your style hold you back

I know from the thousands of women I’ve worked with over the past 18 years just how impactful sorting out your style is for your WHOLE life.  It has a positive ripple effect that you’ll notice throughout your whole life.  My wonderful clients have told me

  • Their husbands appreciate their new style not only because they look great, but also love the more confident woman their wife has become
  • Their bosses see this new confidence and notice their work and give them promotions and new opportunities
  • Their work colleagues and clients notice their new more authentic and aligned selves, the inside and the outside telling one story that makes them more attractive and trustworthy.
  • Strangers comment on their stylishness which gives them a self-esteem boost (and this happens frequently, even when the chips are down and life throws up obstacles to overcome).
  • They spend less money, time, and energy on clothes, shopping, and getting dressed each day

Focusing on your Style is Not Shallow!

Clothes are the things that touch our skin and keep us from being naked.  They offer protection from the elements as well as provide a way of silently expressing your values and personality.   They literally can help you be the person you want to be (according to research).

You have to get dressed every day, and if you can remove style stress and overwhelm from this, you have more time and energy to focus on what’s really important to you in life.

There are always going to be events in your life (an important dinner, a job interview, a speaking engagement, a fancy event) that pop up and if you don’t feel confident in your style this will add more stress to this experience (or you may even avoid them because you’ve got nothing to wear).  

Imagine how much better you’ll feel when you’ve got a style education that gives you the confidence to say yes to every opportunity that comes your way that you want to say yes to, not worrying that your wardrobe is holding you back.

You’re Invited
why you have a wardrobe full of clothes and nothing to wear masterclass
why you have a wardrobe full of clothes and nothing to wear masterclass

Then I’d love you to join me for this masterclass – I’m doing it at a variety of times to suit different world time-zones (the first and last are best for US/Canada, the second one is best for UK/Europe – unless you’re a night owl, and also good for and Asia, all are great for Australia/New Zealand).

Want to know more?  Then click here and register 

And for everyone who attends the masterclass, you’ll get a fabulous new bonus Style Guide – Your Ultimate Guide to Choosing Jeans.


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