
Want to Give an Amazing First Blowjob? Read This Guide and Learn

Posted on the 26 July 2019 by Chris Franklin

Giving a great first blowjob to your boyfriend or husband is one of the most pleasurable things you can do for him.

A lot of people talk about it, but unfortunately many women do not know how to do it right, and this can cause problems in the relationship.

Combined with this, men are not renowned for being great communicators when trying to guide you on how to do this.

Most guys find it uncomfortable and awkward to give hints to their women about what they want when it comes to oral sex.

Adding to this problem are all the pornographic movies that make out that giving a guy a first blowjob is quite easy. 

This makes a lot of women self-conscious or even intimidated by it and their desire to do it right.

So, what do you do if you are lacking the confidence and knowledge on how to give a fantastic, mind-blowing blow-job to your man?

Don’t worry, there is hope for you! Mastering the art of oral sex is easily attainable if you are prepared to put in a little bit of effort. Here are some good tips to get you started.

1) Use your hands – Although it is called oral sex, it can be a bit misleading to newcomers. Most often, great oral sex involves the use of hands, as your hands can give different sensations to your man. Believe me, any man would agree with this!

2) Wetter is ALWAYS better! 

All men seem to love it more when the woman giving them a first blowjob makes it really wet.

By making it wet, it will make the movement of your mouth smooth over his penis. Saliva is actually the best lubricant you can use, so give his penis heaps of wet sloppy licks and kisses.

There are flavored lubricants available for women who don’t like the taste, but why not use some whipped cream!

3) Arouse him slowly – One of the most enjoyable parts of oral sex is the anticipation that comes with it. 

Take your time to tease him by playing with his penis.

Try rubbing him when his clothes are on! His desire will skyrocket if you take his clothes off slowly by using your hands and lips!

4) Enjoy it! – one of the biggest turn-offs for a man getting oral sex (yes, they DO exist!) is getting a first blowjob from a woman whom he knows is not enjoying herself and is treating the act like it was a chore.

Contrasting this, a woman who really gets into it and is actually appearing to enjoy herself will be incredibly arousing for the man. 

Don’t believe me? I dare you to try it next time and see the difference in your man!

5) Handle with care – A fantastic first blowjob can quickly turn into a very painful one, both for you and your man!

Avoid gagging on his penis by not taking too much into your mouth. 

Although “deep-throating” can be great for him, it certainly takes practice and is something for you to do later when you are more confident with your skills.

Also, don’t get too excited by putting too much pressure on his penis during the first blowjob and squeezing the life out of it. 

One last thing…teeth. Don’t use them!

Only use your teeth if you want to stop your man from asking for oral sex (however, it may encourage him to ask for oral sex from another woman, and you don’t want that, do you?)

Having great blowjob skills will make you so much more desirable to your man.

 If you develop these skills, don’t be surprised if he becomes a LOT more attentive to your needs in the relationship!

After all, women with first great blowjob skills are few and far between, and if he’s getting great blowjobs from you, why would he need to look elsewhere?

Ok ladies, if you really want to know how to have your man be like putty in your hands (well, not EVERY part of him!), try finding some new and creative ways to give him great oral sex that you can also enjoy.

It should be plainly obvious that all men LOVE getting a first blowjob.

 If you can master how to give great head, you will find his interest in sex very high, as well as being keener to please you.

First tip – Adjust Accordingly

Like all women, different guys prefer different positions for receiving a first blowjob. Make sure you vary the position in which you give him oral sex and see which one he reacts the best too.

Don’t be afraid to vary the position in the same session, as it will make him last longer and he will get a lot more enjoyment due to the different sensations.

Also, why not ask him which one he likes the most? Woman appreciate communication, so why not guys?

Second tip – The Eyes Have It!

If you are giving him a blowjob first with your eyes closed, you could be missing out on one of the easiest ways to mentally stimulate your man.

You don’t have to keep looking directly at him, but you need to get his attention by making sure he sees you looking into his eyes. 

By doing this, you are non-verbally telling him, “Hey, I’m really getting into this too!”

Third tip – A room with a view

This little trick always seems to have a big impact. Figure out how to let him see more of you when giving him a blowjob.

A full-length mirror is great for this, as it can allow him to see your most intimate parts. 

This allows him to see the parts of you that are normally hidden during the act.

Fourth tip – It’s Showtime!

When you are implementing tip #3, combine it with touching your erogenous zones.

 In addition to giving him that extra pleasure of seeing you, you will also get something out of it as well. Very few guys are NOT turned on by seeing their partner touch themselves in a sensuous way!

Fifth tip – Try some “switch-hitting”

This will involve experimenting with switching between using your hands and using only your mouth.

The extra stimulation will definitely give some more “zing” to the first blowjob!

But why not use only your mouth to support him as well, as switching between using your hand and then only your mouth will give him extra stimulation.

Sixth tip – SURPRISE!!!!

Spontaneity is one of the least known “secret weapons” to keeping your sex life healthy.

However, if you have kids, this can be quite difficult. You need to find times to surprise him with a little extra “treat”.

A good man will most likely return the favors sooner rather than later.

In fact, most men will probably return the favor immediately!

Hopefully these tips will give you some great ideas to spice up your sex life by using blowjobs.

It is a great way to keep the intimacy between you and your man, and it can also be a lot of fun for the both of you!

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