Fashion Magazine

Wall Decor

By Masfashion


I get really bored with decor easily. Especially in my office. Since I spend most of my days sitting at my desk I always feel the need to change things up a bit. For what seams like a lifetime I have had the same Celine art hanging behind my desk. I actually made the artwork from tissue paper which came with a bag I bought so I really love it. However, when something is hanging for too long I tend to get bored with it. I also wanted a way to display items that I do or don’t wear frequently. Combining the two needs – I got my “hanging wall”. It is such an easy change (only takes a few nails) and it completely revamps the dynamics of the office – which I needed! I can interchange the products on the wall so I am constantly getting change, which I love. While I am still working on the correct dimensions of where everything should be hung, I am quite happy with the progress! Instead of waking up, coffee in hand, and walking into an office I have sat at hundreds of times, I now feel like I am in a totally different room. A small change, but a might one!


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