Food & Drink Magazine

Walkers Sausage & HP Brown Sauce Crisps Review

By Kev A @kevvieguy
Walkers Sausage & HP Brown Sauce Crisps Review
So I've been gradually making my way through the new "sandwich inspired" range of crisps from Walkers, from the unusual but tasty Cucumber Cheese and Salad Cream, to the more ordinary Ham and Mustard...and finally I've arrived at a great combination of brown sauce and sausage; a classic British Butty combo!
I found these crisps in WH Smiths on offer of two bags for £1.50, although they're also in Boots much cheaper at two for £1.
Walkers Sausage & HP Brown Sauce Crisps Review
Amazingly, these crisps are vegetarian...the wonders of modern technology! They're even dairy free and vegan, although they are made in an environment that processes dairy.
They tasted as you'd expect, with a punchy, spicy and slightly fruity brown sauce flavor and vague meatiness that obviously isn't real sausage. I'd say the predominant flavor was brown sauce, which is kind of meaty all by itself. I enjoyed these crisps but I didn't feel they were the best, they tasted like something I've had before so I doubt I would buy them again.
Overall, a nicely implemented flavor if you like brown sauce, but I prefer the other flavours in the range. Next up, I simply have to try the Bacon and Tomato Ketchup variety...
7.5 out of 10.

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