Artist's Statement:
I went back a chapter in my John reading to Jesus' discussion of Himself as the Good Shepherd. He talks quite a bit here about His 'shepeople' hearing "His voice," in fact, to hear His "voice" and discern it to be the voice of the Shepherd and Overseer of our souls (1 Peter 2:25) is to prove ourselves to have been one of His own.
In chapter 10, Jesus' "voice" seems to be most immediately connected to the works that He is doing, works that the Father has given Him to do, works that bear witness to His identity as the Son and revealer of the Father (See especially John 10:24-27). Well--what is His climactic work? What is the ultimate work that Jesus does? The ultimate work that bears witness to His identity? He tells us in 10:17-18, His death and resurrection.
So, I take this to mean that the ultimate place that Jesus' sheep hear "His voice" is at the cross. If we see the crucified and risen Lord and are enabled to discern in His life-laying down, life-taking up work the identity of our Lord and God and Shepherd--then we have heard His voice and are His sheep....
John 10:27, "My sheep hear my voice..."
If we've heard the voice of our Shepherd calling our name in the love of Calvary, we are His sheep.

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