Amongst visitors to Portugal’s Viseu and Historical Villages, there is an air of shared conspiracy. On every sun-washed cafe terrace, in every historic village, beneath an overhanging canopy of living vines, strangers nod knowingly like the characters of some espionage-riddled movie. Each and every one of them has discovered a secret, and they know it. Viseu and Historical Villages are many things to many people; a land of elegant wines, historic villages lost in time, mountaintop castles, vibrant cities, and towns filled with art and culture, festivals and fine foods, rugged natural beauty, welcoming people, and a scene where we can link the past and the present. Viseu and Historical Villages are also full of the secrets which put knowing smiles on the faces of its visitors, secrets waiting to be discovered by you.
Viseu and Historical Villages are situated in the north-eastern corner of the Centro de Portugal region, is home to some of the country’s most spectacular scenery; endless plateaus, rugged boulder-strewn mountains beloved by hikers and lovers of adventure sports, the deep meandering gorges of river valleys where eagles and vultures soar, and ancient mountain villages capped by castles, keeps and other protective structures so important to the country’s early history.
You can discover more about Viseu and Historical Villages here:
and more about the Centro de Portugal here: /> Here are the links to the other videos featuring the 6 journeys we made within Centro de Portugal:
Unesco Heritage in Centro de Portugal
Centro de Portugal
This project was made under the partnership between and the Centro de Portugal Tourism Bureau ( />
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Video Credits:
Edited by Nelson Carvalheiro
Images by Luis Graciano
Idea and storytelling by WeChangers, based in
Music: Something Within by Dan Phillipson
Cover Photo by Emanuele Siracusa:
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