Virtualization in Cloud Computing
This year NTA or UGC NET syllabus of computer science and application also included cloud computing and virtualization topic for the test. Virtualization is an important concept in cloud computing. Here in this virtualization tutorial I have explained d the basic concepts of virtualization such as virtualization definition,
types of virtualization in cloud computing , virtualization benefits and
difference between cloud computing and virtualization. To study this topic I referred the Cloud Computing and Virtualization article
What is Virtualization?
Virtualization means creating the virtual version of a useful resource such as server, storage device, a desktop, operating system and network resources.Virtualization basically provide the services of pooling and sharing of the resources
Behind the virtualization there is concept of virtual machine which is also known as guest machine and the machine on which this virtual machine is created is known as host machine.
Virtualization Benefits
Benefits of Virtualization in cloud computing are as follow
- Virtualization improve the flexibility and increase the scalability. It also enhance the performance of the resources and also increase their availability
- Virtualization minimize the operating cost.
- Increase the IT productivity and efficiency.
- Virtualization simplify the data management process
- It helps in data recovery in case of data lost due to disaster.
Types of Virtualization
types of virtualization in cloud computing are explained here in this section
(1) Hardware Virtualization : When Virtual machine is directly installed on the hardware of the system then hardware system is known as hardware virtualization. Main task of hardware virtualization is to control and monitor the processor ,memory and other hardware resources.
(2) Operating System Virtualization: When virtual machine software is installed on the host operating system instead of the hardware then this is known as operating system virtualization. Operating system virtualization is mainly used for testing a application on different platform of an operating system.
(3) Server virtualization : When the server machine software is directly installed on the server then this is known as server virtualization. Server virtualization is needed because in order to balance the load in the server virtualization a single server is divided into multiple server.
(4) Storage virtualization : Storage virtualization is a technique that makes the group of the physical storage from multiple network storage devices so that it looks like a single storage device. It is implemented using software application. Storage virtualization is mainly done for back up and recovery purpose.
Difference between Virtualization and Cloud Computing
Virtualization and cloud computing are not the similar things. Virtualization is just a software that provides us computing environments which is independent of physical infrastructure whereas cloud computing is a service that provide the facility of shared computing resources such as software and data via the Internet on demand basis