I admit I still have so much to learn about makeup. Which is why I’m really thankful for workshops such as the recently concluded Advanced Makeup Workshop by Virginia Olsen. This was the first advanced class by VO cos only basic classes were offered in the past.

Here’s makeup artist Lei Ang working her magics on me. No one wanted to volunteer to be Lei’s “model” as she demonstrated the “how-to’s” kaya ako na lang. haha!

I really learned so much from Lei… especially the kilay part! My gosh, it took us quite a while to move on from this part of the workshop. But Lei was really patient with us, and she said one of her ultimate makeup pet peeves is undone eyebrows. Yikes, I’m guilty of this! But you know what… well-groomed eyebrows really can do wonders to the face!

Them girls enjoying and having a fun makeup-filled afternoon! Stay tuned as VO announce the next makeup workshop schedule! :)
Visit http://virginiaolsen.com and get connected with VO via Twitter and Facebook for more updates.
Till here! <3