Current Magazine

Viral Video: Dubstep Dressage

Posted on the 07 August 2012 by Periscope @periscopepost
Viral video: Dubstep dressage Dressage. Photo credit: wax0r

The background

One of the joys of watching the Olympic Games is finding yourself becoming engrossed in the intricacies of a sport one has never watched before and one never figured would be one’s cup of tea. We’ve all been there – whether it’s jumping off the sofa to cheer a stunning riposte in the fencing or whooping in delight at the sight of a Greco-Roman flying squirrel move.

The video

However, some Olympic-watchers need a little encouragement to fully get into niche sports. That’s presumedly the reason why BuzzFeed have created Dressage Dubstep, a 40-second viral video which marries, you guessed it, dressage and, er, dubstep. Enjoy!

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