I’ve got a handbag I use daily. It’s filled with all kinds of stuff, like my wallet, my diary, paper handkerchiefs, pens etc.
But last Sunday I went to church. I hadn’t been there for a long time. And as I was getting ready, I felt I needed a small, little bag. Not my big messy bag. After all, I didn’t have to take all that much with me to church.
So later on that week, I went on a shopping trip to find myself the perfect little bag. But I couldn’t find one I liked.
Then my mom heard about my quest, and said: ‘I’ve got lots of bags I don’t use anymore! You can choose one of mine.’
I was a bit sceptical, because my mom and I have very different tastes when it comes to bags. But I was pleasantly surprised when I found a little black bag with beads all over it. It had that romantic, vintage look I love.
So now I’ve got my little black bag, and it didn’t even cost me any money!
How do you like it?
Vintage bag with beadging
How do I look?!
Inside the bag!