The Evil Weevil!
I haven’t personally been plagued by these annoying little critters but some of the gardens I work in most definitely have. I do however have a growing collection of pots and I would hate to discover the grubs had been busy munching roots all winter. So as they say prevention is better than cure.

Evil Weevil it’s Nemasys for you. This is a biological control and contains the nematode Steinernema kraussei. These nematodes enter the vine weevil larvae releasing bacteria that stops the larvae from feeding, quickly killing them. They then go on to reproduce and search for more larvae, meaning in minor cases one application is sufficient.
It’s simple really you just mix the contents of the pack with water and pour onto the compost/soil. Now is a great time to apply the solution, the soil needs to be warm (above 5°C) and it is important you don’t let the ground dry out, which is less likely to happen this time of the year.
I’ve never used this before but hopefully I can breathe a sigh of relief that my Heuchera’s will be safe (they love Heuchera’s). I’ll let you know in spring if it has been a success. If you’ve used a similar biological control on your plants I would be interested to hear how you got on.