One thing many Americans don't know about (or don't care about in some cases) is how this all looks to the rest of the world. Think about it -
We have a builder-cum-TV personality as a potential President, whose current wife is a former model and for some reason, she carried a Union Jack clutch bag (made in Italy) at the last debate, despite the fact that Trump's slogan is "Make America Great Again". She would be the first First Lady who has ever (to our knowledge) posed nude (in the British GQ magazine). How classy. Apparently they are very happy together....

Then we have an admittedly once brilliant neuro-surgeon who now appears to be living in his own little world, where discussions on climate change are deemed "irrelevant" and where the Pyramids were built by the biblical figure Joseph to store grain. Egypt has pointed out that he's not an archaeologist, perhaps forgetting that a total lack of knowledge and experience is no hindrance to Carson. He also admits to being "something of a novice" on foreign policy, which is always comforting, given the current state of affairs) and suggested that if the Jews had all had their own guns, the likelihood of the Holocaust would have "greatly diminished". He is generally what it known in this part of the world as bat-shit crazy.

And of course who can forget the babies - Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, both vying to oust the old guys.
Cruz was actually born in Canada, so all that hoo-haw about Obama having been born somewhere other than our 50th state (despite birth certificate evidence and other inconvenient items) is presumably no longer an issue. Despite having a lot of experience and being a Constitutional lawyer, Cruz relies heavily on hyperbole, exclaiming things like Obama being "openly desirous to destroy the Constitution and this Republic". (Obama is a Constitutional lawyer too so he probably knows a thing or two.) Oh and he supports the death penalty. And he looks like this when he makes speeches.

Last of the top four (but there are lots more in the circus parade) is Marco Rubio - While he may look like a normal person, he is in fact the most right-wing of the lot of them and is the the darling of the Tea Party. He too, denies human activity has anything to do with climate change (despite not being a scientist) Like his pals above, he is apt to throw out "facts" without actually fact-checking them. The other night, while trying to propose a move toward more vocational training, he stated that America needs welders, not philosophers (which may be true) but that welders make more money. They simply do not.

So there you go. Hours and hours of entertainment in the form of the Republican Candidate race. Aren't you jealous?