Celeb Magazine

Video with Subtitles: Allan Hyde in “Alla Salute”

Posted on the 14 April 2011 by Thevault @The_Vault

Video with subtitles: Allan Hyde in “Alla Salute”As we posted recently, True Blood’s Allan Hyde will be premiering his new sitcom entitled “ALLA SALUTE!” on Monday April 18th,on GourmetFilm.com.

“ALLA SALUTE!” is a collaboration between Allan and his long time best friend and Gourmet Film co-founder, actor/director Aske Bang.“ALLA SALUTE! is a web series that he wrote for Aske Bang to direct. It features Allan and Aleksandar.

Below is the video of the first episode which is subtitled for English speaking audiences. Enjoy.

source: allanhydenews.com

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