I started arranging some texts of the Lunar Messenger as video presentations. Here is the latest video on “Sleep and Turiya”.
You know what sleep is – or at least you think you know. However, we are not aware when we are sleeping, so we don’t really know it. At the transition from wakefulness to sleep or vice versa, we pass a threshold that separates both states.
The wisdom teachings emphasize the importance of remembering this point. At this moment, we experience the original state of consciousness and life. It is also called Turiya in Sanskrit, meaning the 4th – the 4th state of consciousness besides waking, sleep and dream states. The new video explains more about it.
There is a new YouTube channel for “Friends of World Teacher Trust”, https://friends.wtt-global.org. It is a platform where people who feel related to the WTT can communicate and teach the essential wisdom teachings of the WTT coming from Master CVV, Master EK and Master KPK. The idea behind: to welcome people who relate to World Teacher Trust teachings and would also like to teach to friends, relatives and like-minded persons.
So, I publish my new videos there, also in German and French.