Tami Roman had to put her bonnet on to respond to Tina Campbell and this Donald Trump foolery.
Tina Campbell shared with The Root that she voted for Donald Trump because of some of his views on Christianity.
“I was faced with two presidential candidates that I really did not approve of,” Campbell said.
“And so I had to find something, a commonality with one of them, that would make me feel like if I have to vote, I should utilize my right to vote. Since I don’t prefer either of them, what can I find that would make me vote? And some of Donald Trump’s views on Christianity, honestly, is what caused me to vote for him.”
Enter Tami Roman And The Bonnet Chronciles
“How could she miss the shackles, chile? Cause that’s how I feel with Donald Trump in office. They said she said, ‘She related to his [Trump] good Christian values.’ But I say, sis, Puerto Rico been sitting in the dark for the past week with no water and no food. What’s God-like and Christian-like about that?”
#bonnetchronicles #TinaVotedForTrump #IWouldaNevaThunkIt #WarrenHeated #GirlJustHush #WeGotShowsBooked #EricaMightBeGoingSoloAgain #YouDontLoveGod #SanngErica #TeddyVotedToo #HeHappyToBeHome #GoTeddy #IAdmireHerHonesty #SomeOfYallLying #TakeTheShacklesOff #NotWithTrump #ChristianValues #SusWhere #WasItTheWallThatSoldYou #EricaSaidItsALieTho #HowYouFindTime #IBarelyMadeIt #FireStation #ICannnah #ICannnah #GotYoVoteInTho #justjokes #liveLoveLaugh #ILoveEricaCampbell #GetIntoIt
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