Last spring I taped a television program for the local PBS station (KLCS) for series called Homework Hotline. The programs are linked to the LAUSD schools and teach various lessons after school. My program featured creating a piece of cut paper art using similar techniques that I use in my illustrations. The program is called "Put the Stripes on the Zebra" and promotes both A Zebra's World and the other titles in the series. The project is really meant for elementary school age children, even though the kids helping to demonstrate it on the program are in high school. This was a VERY low budget program. No rehearsals, no editing. What you get is what goes on air! All things considered, I think it turned out quite well. The program was broadcast on April 22nd, and will be rebroadcast at intervals throughout the year. It is available to teachers in LAUSD for use in their classrooms. Anyone can purchase a DVD of the program by calling KLCS (213-241-4007)
The program has also been put on YouTube. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBSoJHTfNTg&feature=related
There are three 9 minute segments. When you finish the first you'll see a link to the second.
Being on television was an interesting experience. Perhaps it will help sell a few books!