“I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Doctor On Demand. I received a free trial coupon code to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”
Have you ever heard of Doctor on Demand? What if you could visit with a board certified doctor, pediatrician, psychologists, or a lactation consultant without ever leaving the comfort of your home? I have good news for you!!!! I woke up over the weekend feeling fatigued and my ears felt full. I knew immediately that I was starting to get a sinus infection. I usually try to catch them pretty early because it usually makes me end up feeling completely miserable. So this morning, I download a new app on my phone called Doctor on Demand from the google play store.
Once the app finished downloading, I opened it up and started filling out my profile information so that I could see a doctor immediately. After completing my profile, it asked me for a general description of my symptoms and I had to fill out a simple questionnaire to cover my basic medical history. This allows the doctor to better diagnosis what is going on with you and possibly catch any potential medicine interactions before the doctor prescribes any medications if they are needed.

Cost for Seeing a Doctor or Pediatrician
I know you are probably thinking this type of one on one service has to be super expensive right? The good news is that you can see a board certified physician or pediatrician for $40. This is cheaper than my insurance co-pay for urgent care. In some cases, it is possible that you can even be reimbursed for your visit using your insurance. Simply contact doctor on demand for an insurance form or talk to customer service.
What Can The Doctor Treat via Chat
I am amazed that I was able to have a through exam using my phone to communicate with a doctor. He asked me a series of questions and even had me put the phone up to my mouth so that he could see my throat. When I first called, I was kinda skeptical that I was going to get a proper diagnosis since he wasn’t able to psychically exam me. The call went smoothly and I had his complete attention with the help from my three year old for a full 15 minutes. He was able to prescribe me some antibiotics and steroids and had them sent over to my pharmacy of choice. So if you have any of the following symptoms, I highly suggest that you try Doctor on Demand:
- flu and cold
- sore throat
- minor sports injuries
- skin issues/rashes
- vomiting and diarrhea
- eye conditions
The only thing they can’t treat is chronic conditions, sudden medical issues such as broken bone, sudden allergy reaction, severe muscle tears, large foreign object in eye, nose, or throat, or cancer. This service is a great way to determine if you need to take a trip in person, if you aren’t sure your child needs immediate treatment. If you or your child has a medical emergency, call 911 or contact a local medical professional near your home.
Will I Use This Service Again
Absolutely, this is a great service and you can use it virtually anywhere. You just have to have a cell phone/tablet/computer and an internet connection. It is cheaper than my urgent care co-pay and I don’t have to wait in a busy waiting room that is full of germs. Usually if I do end up going to the doctor during the day for whatever reason, I also have to take my youngest son with me and subject him to those germs too. This service would prevent both of us from picking up something else.

Great Service for Busy Working Mom and Dads Too!!!
This service is great for busy mom or dads who have to go to work even though they are feeling under the weather. Simply use this app in a quiet corner office and run pick up your prescriptions at lunch time or after work. You won’t even have to take off work to go to your appointment.
Struggle With Mental Health Issues
Do you struggle with mental health issues? If so, you aren’t alone and it is usually beneficial if you talk to a licensed psychologist on an on-going basis. At Doctor on Demand, you can even speak with a licensed psychologist for 25 minutes for $50 or 50 minutes for $95. They are trained to be able to help you with the following issues:
- stress
- anxiety
- relationship issues
- depression
- changes in mood
- obsessions and compulsions
- trauma and loss
- alcohol and tobacco
- addictions
- eating problems
- and additional ailments
They can’t treat problems with schizophrenia, suicidal emergencies, and conditions that require medications. They are there to support you by giving you the tools you need to get better.
You Can Even Speak to a Lactation Consultant
As a breastfeeding mother, I was lucky that I didn’t have a ton of questions regarding breastfeeding my babies. However, I have known several mother’s who have had to get help with breastfeeding their baby because they were experiencing some kind of problems. I love that you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home to chat with a professional breastfeeding expert. They are experience to help you with common issues with both you and your baby. Visit Doctor on Demand for a list of ailments that you can talk to a lactation consultant about.