Last Updated on 26 October, 2022
Victoria 3 Cheats & Console Commands – All the cheats and console commands explained, also the fast cheat mode commands, and how to enable the console
For the Victoria 2 Cheats & Console Commands click here
Victoria 3 Cheats & Console Commands
These are all the cheats and console commands:
- add_approval (interest group) (amount) = Add an approval rating for a certain interest group.
- add_clout (interest group) (amount) = Add a clout rating for a certain interest group.
- add_loyalists (culture) (amount) = Add a loyalist population to your country.
- add_radicals (culture) (amount) = Add a radical population to your country.
- add_relations (country) (amount) = Add relations with a certain country.
- add_war_support (country) (amount) = Add war support with a certain country.
- annex (country tag) = This command annexes a chosen country.
- change_law (law) (country) = Change the law in a chosen country.
- changestatepop (state’s id)(population type) = Change the population size of a state.
- disable_ai = Disable the artificial intelligence in the game.
- enable_ai = Enable artificial intelligence in the game.
- help = Check out a list of commands.
- Ingore_gorvernment_support = Use this command to ignore government support.
- Kill_character (name) = Kill a character.
- money (amount) = Use this command to add money to your treasury.
- norevolution = Disable revolutions.
- nosecession = Disable secessions.
- Observe = Switch to Observer Mode.
- own (province or state region tag) (country) = Own a province or state of your choice.
- popstat = Check the active population.
- portrait editor = Use the in-game portrait editor.
- province borders (true or false) = Enable or disable province borders.
- research (technology key) = Give a specified technology to a country.
- screenshot = Take an in-game screenshot.
- set_devastation_level (state) (amount) = Set the devastation level of a region.
- set_pollution_level state region (amount) = Set the pollution level of a region.
- Settings = Use this command to access in-game Settings.
- skip_migration = Skip migration with this command.
- switchlanguage (language) = Change the in-game language.
- tag (country) = This command allows players to play as the country of their choice.
- test event (event’s name) (x) (y) (state) = This command spawns an entity at the provided coordinates.
- testobjective (subgoal key) = This command tests objectives.
- treatyport (state) = Unlock a treaty port in a selected state.
- Version = Check out the game’s version.
- wagerate (building) (rate) = Change a building’s wage.
- yesmen = This command makes AI agree to all proposals.
Fast Cheat Mode Console Commands
These are all the Fast Cheat Mode Console Commands:
- fastenact = Enable the fast enact mode.
- fasthire = Enable the fast hire mode.
- fastinstitutions = Enable the fast institutions mode.
- fastinterests = Enable the fast interests mode.
- fastmoblize = Enable the fast mobilization mode.
- fastravels = Enable the fast travel mode.
- fastrevoultion = Enable the fast revolution mode.
- fastsearch = Enable the fast search mode.
How to Enable Console?
These are the steps to enable the console of commands:
- Go to the Steam Library and right click on Victoria 3
- Click on Properties
- Go to the General Tab
- Choose Launch Options and paste -debug_mode
After enabling the console you can start using console commands in your games