This February will make a year since I was first told, by someone who I won’t name, who worked at Amazon with me, that they heard a male voice on my voicemail greeting when they called my android.
I was puzzled when I first heard this news until shortly after I figured out the possibility why.
The issue did not seem too problematic at the time. I figured the voicemail greeting would shift back to mine as other callers had heard the personal greeting that I had recorded on my phone previously.
As time passed, the issue faded into the back of my mind until it resurfaced again when another person mentioned that they heard this male voice a few months back.
Now someone else just mentioned the same thing the day before yesterday.
I happened to hear the voice myself upon a thorough investigation.
I called up Verizon wireless and found out what was going on. It was what I originally suspected.
In October of 2021, I had my cellphone number changed.
I asked the Verizon customer service representative to make an exception and allow me to keep the voicemail messages to my old telephone number (which is not normally done as they would by default get deleted) due to a relative of mine who had passed away.
My mother had left a message for me that I had saved- and that was all I had left of her voice.
So, Verizon was nice enough to grant my request.
Somewhere within the process whoever had my new number before me- their voicemail must have gotten crossed up with the one to my old number as both were obviously being heard at different times by people who would call me.
The only way to fix this issue was to set up a brand-new voicemail which would delete all my existing saved messages.
I explained the situation to the Verizon customer service representative, and they understood my plight completely.
I told them to wait until I get a tape recorder to record my mother’s voice from my cellphone then I will call them back up and set up the new voicemail so people will always hear my greeting and know they have reached the correct telephone number.
I purchased a tape recorder the day before yesterday, and it was delivered to my home yesterday afternoon. I also ordered two Maxell cassette tapes.
Finally, this little mishap is about to be resolved.
It took me an entire year. I guess I was too preoccupied with other day to day activities/responsibilities or was a bit lazy on acting sooner.
I can afford to have been “tired/lazy”. I have been through a lot in life, in general, and managed to come through time and again still pushing forward doing what I must do.