Entertainment Magazine

Vasudeva – ‘Breaks’

Posted on the 22 February 2020 by Spectralnights

Vasudeva – ‘Breaks’

New Jersey math rockers Vasudeva have shared the video for ‘Breaks’ ahead of the release of new album ‘Generator’ (out on 10 April via Skeletal Lightning – pre-order HERE).

Opening with a burst of white noise and almost ambient piano sound, ‘Breaks’ has a crisp production that helps enhance the sound with some of the early guitar work sounding very FM friendly – think yacht rock but with mathy complexities and experimentation. A big, brooding bass line is added to the mix as the three-piece delve into loops of feedback and pedal effects and craft a build-up that has elements of Explosions in the Sky while never losing sight of the underlying, danceable Totorro-esque groove.

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