Varun Tej, son of Naga Babu is officially launched today at 11:15 am with the pooja of his debut film. This launching event was done in a grand manner amidst Mega Fans and well wishers. Family members Chiranjeevi, Pawan Kalyan,Naga Bab,Allu Aravind, Allu Arjun,Allu Sirish,Anjana devi, Sai Dharam Tej and Industry bigwigs Suresh Babu,Raghavendra Rao, VV Vinayak, Sunil,Surender Reddy graced the event happened at Ramanaidu Studios. Chiranjeevi clapped for the opening shot and wished Varun for a Successful future.
Film will undergo its regular shooting from march 2nd week and is eyeing to release for Dussehra in October this year. Pooja Hegde will be seen pairing up with Varun in this film. Sreekanth Addala is directing the film and is being produced by Nallamalupu Bujji under the presentation of Tagore Madhu of Leo Productions. Sreekanth Addala’s regular Mickey J Meyer is composing the music.