Food & Drink Magazine

Vanilla Fudge Muffins

By Mariealicerayner @MarieRynr

Vanilla Fudge Muffins
Every once in a while I like to revisit something scfrummy which I enjoy eating.  I don't always cook new things every day and today I felt like baking some muffins to enjoy for our breakfast.
 Vanilla Fudge Muffins
I don't always feel like having cereal for breakfast and I don't always fancy having an egg instead either.  Sometimes I like to indulge myself with a delicious fresh baked muffin.
 Vanilla Fudge Muffins
These ones are particular favourites of mine . . . quick and easy to make and they always turn out fabulous!!  I love them and so does everyone I have ever made them for.
Vanilla Fudge Muffins

They're are moist and delicious . . . stogged full of lovely bits of fudge and white chocolate chips, and in all honesty you can also add some toasted chopped nuts if you wish.  It doesn't matter what kind of fudge you use.  You can use the fudge chunks that come ready chopped in bags like chocolate chips, or you can use homemade or storebought fudge, any flavor you want, just so long as you cut it up into small bits.
 Vanilla Fudge Muffins
I used brown sugar fudge, which turns almost to caramel when it is baked . . . very, definitely moreish. But you can use any kind of fudge you want to . . . chocolate, butter pecan, rum and raisin, vanilla . . . pick your own favorite kind.  Warm, cold or in between, these are winners no matter how you partake of them.
 Vanilla Fudge Muffins
Perfect for the lunch box or for a quick breakfast in hand as you are running out the door, or as a January weekday indulgence when the skies are dark and gray and you want something to make your heart smile and make you feel just a little bit special. 
 Vanilla Fudge Muffins
They also freeze very well.  I pack them up individually and pop them into the freezer, ready to take out whenever the whim strikes.  You can take the time to thaw them out if you wish . . . or you can pop them into the microwave frozen for 35 to 40 seconds and they will taste like you just took them out of the oven.

Vanilla Fudge Muffins
 I do hope that you try them and if you do, that  you enjoy them even half as much as we do!   These are simply quite scrumdiddlyumptiously tasty!  Perfect to cure those January/after Christmas blues!
 Vanilla Fudge Muffins
*Vanilla Fudge Muffins*
Makes 12
Printable Recipe
Eat while warm for moreish squidginess!  Almost dangerous!
300g of self raising flour (2 cups)
1 tsp baking powder
pinch salt
115g of golden caster sugar (1/2 cup)
85g of fudge chunks (1/2 cup)
85g of white chocolate chips (1/2 cup)
125ml of whole milk
100ml of half fat creme fraiche (scant 1/2 cup)
1 large free range egg, beaten
1 tsp vanilla extract
60g of butter, melted (1/4 cup)
Preheat the oven to 200*C/400*F/ gas mark 6.  Butter a 12 hole muffin tin, or line with papers.
Whisk the flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, white chocolate chips and fudge chunks together in a bowl.  Whisk the milk, creme fraiche, egg, vanilla and butter together in a beaker.  Add all at once to the dry ingredients and fold together just to combine.  Spoon big dollops into your prepared pan.
Bake for about 20 minutes until risen and golden brown.  Leave to cool in the pan for several minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool.  Eat warm for the best flavor.
Note:  Any leftovers can be warmed in the microwave for 15 to 20 seconds.

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