After a 3 year break the fifth incarnation of the Victoria and Albert Museum's, not so annual, staff show is finally here. With 79 entries, 'VAMALGAM 5' features more work by the museum's very talented staff than in any previous year. And I must say that the standard is even better than I remember from any of our previous shows.
Unfortunately the exhibition is in a part of the museum that is only accessible to V&A employees but hopefully next year's show will relocate to a part of the building where it can be seen by everyone.
In the upper right-hand quarter of the photo you can see my entry, 'Swirly Skulls on Pink'. This print had been my favorite out of my two versions of my Swirly Skulls prints but since I recently had them both framed I'm not so sure. Maybe I now prefer the simpler black on white version. It's interesting the difference a frame makes to a picture.
Oh, and yes, the guy on the right hand side of the photo isn't standing on a box - he really is that tall.