Culture Magazine

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017) Movie Review

By Newguy

ABC Film Challenge – Sci-Fi – V – Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets – Movie Robs Pick

Valerian and the City of a Thousand PlanetsValerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

“A soldier will always choose death over humiliation.” – Commander Arun Filitt

Number of Times Seen – Twice (13 Nov 2017 and 21 Jun 2022)

Link to original review – Here

Brief Synopsis – Two intergalactic peace keepers must try and protect an ancient artifact in order to save the universe.

My Take on it – This is a movie that even after 5 years or so, I still recall how the initial trailer made me feel.

The story is superbly put together, but what makes it even more impressive is the spectacular special effects that Writer/Director Luc Besson utilizes in order to tell the story.

Many films that take place in space or in the future give us numerous alien species to deal with, but most look relatively humanoid in order to make the effects and behind the scene work more efficient.

This film takes what any of these other films have done and have duplicated it a hundred fold due to the vast number of alien species that we get to interact with.

Each has their own unique look and feel and that adds so much to the unimaginable possibilities of the universe.

The special effects here reflect that uniqueness and I’m still shocked that this film didn’t get more love from the awards circuit for the effects.

I’m been a fan of Besson work for decades and his science fiction story always are so enjoyable to watch unfold.

This film is no exception to that rule and despite having seen this before, I was enthralled by everything that transpires from start to finish.

The ideas that Besson is able to make come alive on screen is wondrous throughout.

The cast is also great and Dane DeHann is perfect in the lead because of the way the character’s personality shines throughout.

This movie was even more engaging and enjoyable than I had recalled and deserves much more appreciation than it has gotten over the years.

Highly Recommended!

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – With a final production budget of $180 million, this film was officially the most expensive ever made in France at the time of its release. It significantly exceeded the budget of the previous record holder, Luc Besson’s The Fifth Element (1997), which had a production budget of around $90 million and was the most expensive French movie at that time. If adjusted for inflation, this film is still more expensive than Besson’s earlier picture. (From IMDB)

Rating – Oscar Worthy (9/10) (upgrade from original review)

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