(London) The Russian ambassador to the United Kingdom rejects, in an interview which will be broadcast on Sunday, Moscow's involvement in pirate attacks aimed at stealing research into a vaccine against the coronavirus .
Published on 18 July 2020 at 23 h 13
France Media Agency
These accusations, made by London, Ottawa and Washington this week and concerning an “almost certain” implication of the Russian intelligence services, “have no meaning”, estimates Andreï Kelin in the Sunday political program of the BBC, The Andrew Marr Show.
“I don't believe this story at all, it makes no sense,” he said, adding that he had heard of these pirates for the first time through the British media.
It is impossible to attribute acts of computer piracy to a particular country, he also argues.
According to the British government agency responsible for cybersecurity, a group of Russian hackers attacked British, Canadian and American organizations to steal their research into the development of a vaccine against SARS- CoV2.
Andreï Kelin also denies the assertions of the British government according to which “Russian actors” sought to disrupt the legislative elections of 11 last December circulating documents during the campaign on a possible trade agreement between London and Washington after Brexit.
Beyond these two stumbling blocks, Russia “is ready to turn the page” on recent diplomatic tensions with London and “to do business” with the United Kingdom, says the Russian ambassador on the BBC.
Relations between London and Moscow are at their lowest since the poisoning on British soil of former Russian agent Sergei Skripal, in the city of Salisbury (south-west).
Russia had denied any involvement, but the affair had resulted in a wave of cross-conspiracies of diplomats between London and its allies and Moscow. The two countries had only resumed the broken dialog in February 2019 11 months earlier.