Celeb Magazine

V-MODA for True Blood Headphones Will Make Your Ears Bleed

Posted on the 02 June 2011 by Thevault @The_Vault


V-MODA for True Blood Headphones Will Make Your Ears Bleed
True Blood headphones and earbuds?  Why not?

V-MODA and HBO have partnered on special pairs of V-MODA for True Blood headphones and ear buds. The V-MODA for True Blood collection will contain six different models of ear buds and headphones and will also feature a whole new look, different from what we have been used to for now, which have been the Crossfade LP and Vibrato. The new style will be called “Hearwear” and will be specifically designed for those who like the sexy stylings of the True Blood series. The V-MODA for True Blood line of headphones and ear buds will debut at Amazon, HBO Shop, and V-MODA on June 26th. Just in time for the True Blood premiere.


source: chipchick.com


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