Pets Magazine

V-dogs Magical Reunion at Best Friends

By Ciciwriter @suemagic

If this doesn’t make you cry with joy, I don’t know what will… bring tissues with you…

Six of the 22 dogs taken in by Best Friends Animal Society … Mel, Cherry Garcia, Little Red, Handsome Dan, Oscar, and Halle had a ball at their 2013 five year reunion. About 150 to 200 people came to the event’s meet and greet to celebrate with the families and dogs. All the dogs were very well behaved and enjoyed being with one another.


Group shot from left to right: : Mel, Halle, Cherry, Handsome Dan and Little
Red (Oscar is in the back!). Photo by Molly Wald


Little gets held like a baby by McKenzie Garcia who helped to rescue her and bring her to safety at Best Friends.


It was also announced that Little’s mom Susan is adopting one of the Handsome Dan foster dogs Jewels, who got along famously with Little at the reunion.  Jewels and Little are now sisters!

During the presentation at the meet and greet, the adopters shared about how magical their experiences with the dogs has been helping the dogs heal on a day to day basis… how the dogs have learned how to live life as part of a loving family.

At the same time, their former owner was going to do book signings at Barnes and Noble but they were canceled due to protests by animal lovers.

Love, light and hope prevail.

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