UsWeekly Says That Kirsten Dunst Is Pregnant

The picture above was taken yesterday while Kirsten Dunst was walking in Los Angeles. Depending on what kind of person you are, you might be staring intently at the middle of that picture, wondering “Is that ice tea or a massive cup of apple juice?“. Or maybe you’re the type of person to stare at the middle with the suspicion that Kiki could be pregnant. According to UsWeekly, she is. The jury is still out on what’s in the cup.
A source tells UsWeekly that 35-year-old Kirsten is currently pregnant with a baby she made with her 29-year-old Fargo co-star-turned-fiancé Jesse Plemons (aka Landry from Friday Night Lights).
The source has no other information about Kirsten’s reported first pregnancy, like how far along she is or what kind of pee stick she used to confirm it. All UsWeekly knows is that Kirsten and Jesse are planning on getting married in the spring in Austin, Texas. So depending on how many calendar pages that baby has been flipping on the inside, there’s a chance Kirsten could stroll down the aisle with a bouquet in one arm and a little pudgy-cheeked blonde baby in the other. Although, they could do it shotgun-style and get hitched riiiiiiight before the baby pops out. That should be fun, hauling ass up and down the aisle, and whipping around the dance floor to a 5x sped-up version of “At Last” before the contractions kick in.

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Source: UsWeekly Says That Kirsten Dunst Is Pregnant
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