Using Bamboo Fence Rolls To Cover Wall - Using bamboo fences instead of wallpaper rolls to cover the walls can give an exotic touch to a room. Bamboo fence rolls are lightweight materials and the installation procedure is simpler than wallpaper. You will not have to deal with the mess that creates pasta with rebels or rolls.
Measure your wall wanting covered with bamboo fence rolls then buy a bamboo fence roll in accordance with the size that has been set to cover the desired area. Displays rolls bamboo fence and extend them to lie flat. Cut the bamboo to the desired size with sharp pruning shears. Ask a friend to hold the bamboo fence against the wall you want to cover. Secure it using a staple gun. Staples placed at a distance between 10 and 12 inches in columns, starting at one end of the fence. Staple columns must be at a distance of 3 feet (91 cm) away. If feel loose fence between the columns, simply add more staples. If it is light enough, you can use viscous glue to fix it on the wall.
You can give finish to the bamboo fence rolls with quarter-round molding in the part where it touches the floor. You can also give finishing top of the fence with half torus molding. Apply a contrasting color dye in the molding before installing it to give an interesting look to match the decor of the room. You can even frame each bamboo panels that make up the fence after hanging, using half torus molding.