Celeb Magazine

Usher Is Being Sued For $10 Million For Allegedly Exposing A Woman To Herpes

Posted on the 23 July 2017 by Sumithardia

Usher Is Being Sued For Million For Allegedly Exposing A Woman To Herpes
Usher Is Being Sued For $10 Million For Allegedly Exposing A Woman To Herpes


One of the humans responsible for foisting Justin Bieber on society, Usher, is being sued for $10 million for allegedly exposing a sex partner to herpes. And that’s what you get for foisting Justin Bieber on society. TMZ says that all the love in this club better make use of a rubber from now on, because Usher’s alleged (have I typed that word enough) STD has gotten him in all sorts of trouble.

As Allison posted earlier this week, Radar claims that “Papa Bear” (I know bears, sir, and you are no bear) had to pay off a former lay in 2012 for giving her herpes. In court documents concerning that case, doctors reportedly confirmed that he had it. Now a different woman, being referred to as “Jane Doe,” is suing “U.R. IV” (much better than “Papa Bear“) for “negligence, battery and emotional distress” and seeking $10,000,000 in damages. The plaintiff doesn’t claim to have contracted herpes, but two go-rounds on Usher’s Russian Roulette dick and then finding out he allegedly has it have sent her screaming to court.

In the suit, she claims that she had sex with Usher in Atlanta on April 16 at her place. There was “heavy petting, some kissing, and she performed oral sex on him.” He wore a condom. Fast-forward 12 days to a New Orleans hotel room. They did it again but, this time, she claims he didn’t wear one. Afterwards, she read the reports that he has Herpes Simplex 2, and here we are.

In the suit, Ms. “Doe” says that she is concerned because she’s been “exposed” and states that she wouldn’t have had sex with him if she’d known about his alleged condition.

Ten million dollars is a lot for not actually having caught anything, but I understand the trauma. Herpes is terrifying. You catch that shit and it’s for life. Bad choices like a Garth Brooks tattoo (true story, I’ve met someone who has one) can be lasered off. There’s no laser for herpes as of yet.


Source: Usher Is Being Sued For Million For Allegedly Exposing A Woman To Herpes

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