
I'm a wife and mother of two beautiful girls. Via Interior Design Principles blog I'm expressing my love for color and decor to my readers. I love beautifully designed homes. You will find tons of them in my blog. I believe that even small and simple changes can transform an unappealing room into the most elegant living space. My passion is also in creating offices which eliminate the "sick building syndrome". I really hope you enjoy your visit here. I look forward to your comments!
Home Decor Designs
I'm a wife and mother of two beautiful girls in California. I love expressing my love for color and decor through this blog on interior design. Beautifully designed spaces, innovative accessories and appliances, and vibrant color schemes are just a few of the things I feature here. Sometimes, even the smallest and simplest changes can transform an unappealing room into an elegant living space. I hope you enjoy your visit here, and I look forward to your comments!
Office Ideas - Reception Decor
Office reception or lobby is the first place your clients see... and the last place they see before exiting. You can make this a lasting impression by adding a... Read more
Posted on 08 December 2012 HOME, INTERIOR DESIGN -
Outdoor Spaces - Winter Bird Feeding
Winter weather can be very harsh for tiny birds especially when temperatures start dropping. Most birds die during winter time due to lack of food, water and... Read more
Posted on 06 December 2012 HOME, INTERIOR DESIGN