



  • Coconut Cream Pie

    Coconut Cream

    I was making dinner last night and had a hankering for a spot of dessert. A creamy, comforting dessert, that didn't need to be overly sweet. Soothingly gooey an... Read more

    Posted on 05 February 2014
  • Summer Eating..

    Summer Eating..

    Hello! Quick question. Do you meal plan? I always have the best intentions of meal planning but never seem to stick with it on a regular basis. Read more

    Posted on 03 February 2014
  • Slow Living Essentials Monthly 9 Link up - January 2014

    Slow Living Essentials Monthly Link January 2014

    Hello!! Welcome back for another fun year of the Slow Living Monthly 9 link-ups! I'm really pleased to continue offering this link up and hope you enjoy it as... Read more

    Posted on 31 January 2014
  • Slow Living Monthly 9 - Same Monthly Link-up, Different Name..

    Slow Living Monthly Same Link-up, Different Name..

    Just a quick note to say that the monthly Slow Living link-ups will be running again in 2014! I am just about to hop onto a new page and start jotting down note... Read more

    Posted on 31 January 2014
  • So I Made This Little Summer Dress..

    Made This Little Summer Dress..

    ..using some fabric I picked up at the quilting shop and a 70's pattern from my stash. The pattern is Butterick 4801. It would have to be one of the comfiest... Read more

    Posted on 24 January 2014
  • Banana Chia Pancakes (dairy, Gluten & Sugar Free)

    Banana Chia Pancakes (dairy, Gluten Sugar Free)

    I've been having a play around with pancake mixtures lately. It all came about after I started making significant changes to my diet (which you can read more... Read more

    Posted on 20 January 2014
  • From the beach...(Ocean Grove, Vic)

    From beach...(Ocean Grove, Vic)

    {Ocean Grove beach, Vic} {Barwon River, Barwon Heads, Vic} {Protect our wildlife and natural environments - artwork made with rubbish washed up on beaches from... Read more

    Posted on 18 January 2014
  • Garden 'date' January '14

    Garden 'date' January

    (Thankyou all so much for your positive comments and support on my last post. It was encouraging to hear  feedback from those of you in similar situations... Read more

    Posted on 12 January 2014
  • Where I'm at (a Rambling Post on Dairy and Gluten)

    Where Rambling Post Dairy Gluten)

    Hi all, I hope you are enjoying a good start to the new year. This was planned to be a shortish post but my brain obviously needed to ramble. Grab a cuppa, sit... Read more

    Posted on 07 January 2014
  • 2014 - a Greeting

    2014 Greeting

    Hello! Hoping your festive season was filled with joy and laughter and a bellyful of good food! Thankyou tremendously for reading this year and for supporting... Read more

    Posted on 02 January 2014
  • From the (very Festive) Week...

    From (very Festive) Week...

    1. Festive favours of the homegrown garlic variety 2. The teen's completed gingerbread house 3. Ahem. Oh dear! 4. Revisiting some old favourites 5. Pecan pie -... Read more

    Posted on 27 December 2013
  • Rustic Mushroom Tart, Baby Sewing and a Surprise Visitor!

    Rustic Mushroom Tart, Baby Sewing Surprise Visitor!

    Pre-festive greetings to you! A few goings on from the week to share, from my world to yours... 1. Mushroom tarts: I was making a meal for a friend this week an... Read more

    Posted on 20 December 2013
  • Slow Living 2013 - November/December

    Slow Living 2013 November/December

    Hello! It's been so long and I have missed visiting this space. There are many things happening around me that I long to blog about but am finding the time a... Read more

    Posted on 15 December 2013
  • Changing Gears - A Book by Greg Foyster!

    Changing Gears Book Greg Foyster!

    A quick note for people who may have read about Greg Foyster and the release of his book:  "Changing Gears".  His story sounds truly inspiring - deciding to liv... Read more

    Posted on 07 November 2013
  • Slow Living 2013 - October

    Slow Living 2013 October

    October..oh where did you go? One minute it was the first and the's halloween! A particularly busy month in our house with two teenette birthdays and... Read more

    Posted on 31 October 2013
  • From the Peninsula..,

    From Peninsula..,

    Eleven women. A house..quite a  large house in fact. With an open fire and by the sea! A visit to these hot springs (sooo good! I thoroughly recommend!). A... Read more

    Posted on 28 October 2013
  • "Springy!"


    It's feeling decidedly 'springy' here lately. Gusty gales, warm sunny days followed by chilly days with wintery rain..and then back to sunny days. Read more

    Posted on 11 October 2013
  • Double Digits

    Double Digits

    Six excited, squealing girls on school holidays. Balloons and bunting. Sleeping bags and chocolate fondue. Nachos and a peppermint choc chip icecream cake (can ... Read more

    Posted on 08 October 2013
  • Slow Living 2013 - September

    Slow Living 2013 September

    Join me as I reflect over the past month and various achievements I have made along the way as I strive to lead a more conscious, slower life. Read more

    Posted on 30 September 2013
  • Postcards from the South

    Postcards from South

    Spectacular coastline, abundant wildlife, a calming river, beautiful wildflowers, unlimited walks, great friends, communal dinners, unplugged (and happy! Read more

    Posted on 27 September 2013