



  • My Total Knee Replacement

    Total Knee Replacement

    Fifteen days ago, I had one, complete with at home rehab. Torquemada’s victims had it easier. More on rehab in a bit, but first, a total knee replacement... Read more

    Posted on 13 July 2024 SELF EXPRESSION
  • My Parental Units Movie Going Habits

    I’m recovering from what all indications point to, a nasty case of Norovirus. I’m better today. I can walk by food and not want to lure it into lethal sunlight... Read more

    Posted on 30 May 2024 SELF EXPRESSION
  • More Stuff/Part 67

    My Senior year of High School, I was voted “Most Likely To Get Drunk and Stick Cheetos In Her Mouth To Resemble Small Orange Tusks”. ✔️Accomplished in 1994 in... Read more

    Posted on 24 May 2024 SELF EXPRESSION
  • How Was YOUR Day??

    It’s been raining quite a bit here in the hills. The humidity is high; I figure Guam might be a lot like this. When the weather is like this it, it’s hell on... Read more

    Posted on 03 May 2024 SELF EXPRESSION
  • Another Earthly Orbit

    I’ve aged a year since this time 365 days ago. My niece called me a few days ago to congratulate this feat and in doing so, told me I’d been spared since,... Read more

    Posted on 23 April 2024 SELF EXPRESSION
  • The Stuff of Life

    Whoa. It feels like it’s been 87-thousand years since I last posted anything. I used to “need” this blog. Guess that’s no longer the case, but tonight I do. Read more

    Posted on 14 March 2024 SELF EXPRESSION
  • What’s Up, Pilgrim?

    I celebrated my Thanksgiving as I prefer—in quiet solitude, with a trans cat named Greer: age unknown. She and I were accompanied by a diabetic salad of a dog,... Read more

    Posted on 25 November 2023 SELF EXPRESSION
  • My Neighborhood


    I loathe heat. This summer feels like I moved I moved inside an old Kenner Easy Bake Oven. Because of that, on any given day, I’m mole like. I don’t live in a... Read more

    Posted on 09 July 2023 SELF EXPRESSION
  • A Think Piece

    I strongly dislike movies, TV shows or books about apocalypse and post-apocalyptic attempts at survival. I don”t care what caused the annihilation: aliens,... Read more

    Posted on 01 April 2023 SELF EXPRESSION
  • Update


    Ralph Gilley died. .Ralph was my classmate and I went to school with him for 12 years….maybe 13 if he went to Mrs. Porter’s kindergarten with me, which was... Read more

    Posted on 14 February 2023 SELF EXPRESSION
  • Been Illin’

    Been Illin’

    As both of my readers know, Santa offloaded a big old nasty case of Omicron in my Christmas stocking. Now granted, I’ve been sicker. I’ve had much worse cases o... Read more

    Posted on 22 January 2022 SELF EXPRESSION
  • Covid Version 2022

    Covid Version 2022

    We the people, are suffering from significant Covid fatigue. We’ve been dealing with contradictory advice, information and instruction since late December of... Read more

    Posted on 15 January 2022 SELF EXPRESSION
  • Let’s Talk Teeth

    Let’s Talk Teeth

    Let’s all pretend we’re really going to maintain all the New Year’s resolutions we made and let’s also say taking better care of our teeth is one of those... Read more

    Posted on 07 January 2022 SELF EXPRESSION
  • The Whole of The Moon

    Whole Moon

    A week ago, the conventional writer in me felt compelled to post a 2021 year in review… 800-trillion other wordsmiths. I tried composing a few lines, but... Read more

    Posted on 07 January 2022 SELF EXPRESSION
  • Christmas Eve 2021

    As I begin to type, it’s 8:45 (CST). A scant few hours remain in this year’s Christmas Eve offering and here in Texas it’s a mild but windy. Read more

    Posted on 25 December 2021 SELF EXPRESSION
  • Krampus: A Holiday Movie & Myth

    Krampus: Holiday Movie Myth

    As I type, you have technically less than six days to get your proverbial Christmas shit together or come the evening of December 24th, you’ll be forced deal... Read more

    Posted on 20 December 2021 SELF EXPRESSION
  • The One About The Breakfast Taco

    There was a point in time when I was a big city girl. I called Houston home for just under 24 years. The city is huge snd diverse and the traffic, I swear will... Read more

    Posted on 02 December 2021 SELF EXPRESSION
  • The Bough Breaks

    It always does. The wood rots, some sort of parasite or fungus weakens it, the wind blows it down, and lest we forget about the duress of plain, ordinary gravit... Read more

    Posted on 30 November 2021 SELF EXPRESSION
  • Katie Couric Explained

    I don’t know this woman, personally or professionally. I’ve never been a hardcore fan. In my six-plus decades on the Earth, I can honestly say I’ve only... Read more

    Posted on 05 November 2021 SELF EXPRESSION
  • Halloween ’21

    Surprise!!! No need to send the cops to make a welfare check. Despite the ominous nature of my previous post, I’m fine. It’s been a horrific 18-months for... Read more

    Posted on 01 November 2021 SELF EXPRESSION