A blog about music. Real music. Live music. It's about guitars, king size keyboards, grumbling bass lines and pounding drums. It's about violins and violas. It's about left-field. It's about art. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Here Comes the Flood
Here Comes The Flood is a blog about music. Real music. Live music. It's about guitars, king size keyboards, grumbling bass lines and pounding drums. It's about violins and violas. It's about left-field. It's about art.
Styles covered: anything with a pulse, so: Americana, folk, heavy metal, dance, funk, jazz, punk, bluegrass, rock, electronica, avant-garde, pop, jam bands, vaudeville, singer-songwriters.
No hip hop or modern day R&B.; Tried it, hated it.
Stone Axe: Stone Axe - 2 Disc Expanded Edition / LP
Port Orchard heavy rock band Stone Axe brings back the Seventies, with long hair, guitar solos and a singer who can scream the house down while keeping in tune. Read more
Posted on 19 March 2011 ENTERTAINMENT, MUSIC