
Used Boat Inventory Discovery Before Sailing the Mediterranean Sea

Posted on the 18 July 2023 by Mirela Letailleur @mirela_iepurela

The salty scent of the sea, the gentle lapping of waves against the hull, the promise of uncharted waters, and the allure of distant shores – these are the dreams that led us to our decision. We were going to sail the Mediterranean, and we were going to do it on a budget. The Mediterranean, with its azure waters and sun-drenched coastlines, was a siren call for us. But we knew that such a journey required more than just dreams and desires. It required careful planning of the boat inventory and sailing route, a frugal mindset, and a willingness to ...

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Original post by Mirela Letailleur (The Travel Bunny): Used boat inventory discovery before sailing the Mediterranean Sea

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