Fashion Magazine

US Wallis Ambassador

By Sidesmilestyle @SideSmileStyle
US Wallis Ambassador
Ok SideSmilers I need y'all's help. Wallis Fashion is currently looking for their first US Brand Ambassador and (by some major oversight) they have decided to include me in the running. The lucky chosen one will be flown to London to attend press events and will be tasked with spreading the word about throughout the coming year. It goes without saying that my love for the  Wallis brand is strong (um hello, have you seen my last several outfit posts), and I am jumping at the opportunity to represent a company that produces such classic and affordable pieces. Anyhow, I will be your absolute BFF if you head on over the the Wallis Facebook page and vote for yours truly. You can vote once per day until April 9th (and feel free to tweet it, share it, blog it - however the spirit moves you). 
PS. And stay tuned for my next outfit post featuring this Wallis sweater coming soon to a computer near you! US Wallis Ambassador

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