Earlier this month, the US Embassy in Romania organized an event with women entrepreneurs and students titled, “Women Entrepreneurs in Romania: Perspectives from the Public and Private Sectors.” Speakers at the event included the Minister of SMEs, Maria Grapini, and Gabriela Chiriac, President of the Women’s Association of Entrepreneurs in Galati. Both guest speakers have been closely involved in all the activities dedicated to women entrepreneurs in Romania including the creation of the Coalition of Women Business Associations (CAFA) and are dedicated to consolidating entrepreneurship in Romania.
The discussion brought together several members of CAFA, women entrepreneurs, and students interested in opening their own businesses. In discussing entrepreneurship and how to become successful in business, Grapini shared her personal experience in developing a personal brand as a manager and entrepreneur. While focusing on the idea that in order to be successful entrepreneurs need to unite, Chiriac stated very clearly, “Entrepreneurs unite your forces!”
Grapini also mentioned the Open Doors Campaign as a source of valuable advocacy experience for Romanian private sector representatives. The Open Doors Campaign was a CIPE-supported initiative centered around three grassroots coalitions which developed and promoted policy recommendations as part of a unified business agenda in 2002-2003.
Though both ladies emphasized the value statement behind the brand as the most important element in building a good and consistent reputation, their message to the young students and other women in the room was to be professional, stay with your values, and be consistent. It is a very strong message as positive values need constant reinforcement these days, in Romania as well as in many other countries.
For more information, see the press release published by the US Embassy here.
Camelia Bulat is Executive Director of the Regional Center for Organization Management.
This article was originally posted on the Community of Women Entrepreneurs blog.