
US Election 2020 Series – Important Reasons to Know Why These Polls Prediction Against Trump Are Fake?

Posted on the 24 September 2020 by Aamritri
US Election 2020 Series – Important Reasons to Know Why these Polls Prediction Against Trump are Fake?

Most of the Polls in all over media channels & popular News sites are showing Trump is losing against Biden. After reading this article, you will know the real reasons behind all these Fake Poll Prediction Against Trump

What are some popular sites predicting Fake results?

Some of the fake prediction sites are Financial Times, BBC, Five Thirty-Eight, and Real Clear Politics. These are just a few examples but hundreds of different news & media sites predicting Trump will lose.

Reasons behind these Fake Polls

1- Trump Policies Against Wars

First of all, Media always wants wars because they earn billions of dollars from reporting. Whenever there is war, millions of people all over the world are looking for the latest updates & news. If someone opens the TV for just 2 times a day, it's surely possible he will open TV in the war for over 100 times. Why the media will love Trump and show original results for polls? They are not able to make millions of dollars every month because there is no more war in the last 4 years.

2- Biden Plans to Lockdown again, Who wants that?

Media is all about propaganda & this Corona Virus becomes a very good source of income for them. They don't care about common people & what will happen to them. If Biden put lockdown again, that's great news for Media & they will love to report every single day about more cases & scaring people. Why they will support Trump who hates Lockdown? Everyone knows more than 99% infected are already recovered without even doing anything. The media will love to put another lockdown because people will stay home and nothing else to do. More people watch news compare to normal days in Lockdown. This is another reason they predict hate polls for Trump because they plan for full Lockdown and forces people to watch the news all day.

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3- These Channels cant produce Correct results because of their Owners

It's not possible for these channels to produce correct results because they follow different policies. If their owner is Biden supporter, you will result in showing Biden winning. If owners are Trump supporter, you will see Trump winning in the election. It's a very important reason to know the reality of these polls. It looks like there are more channel owners who support Biden compare to Trump this time. No way these channels can produce fair results because they must follow orders from behind.

4- Methods of Calculations

Another serious issue that everyone must discuss is how these channels are calculating? It looks like they are following some kind of food testing formulas. It means you can taste a little piece of cooked food & tell others, year, it's cooked really perfectly. That's funny and crap. They may ask a few people from a town & start predicting Biden winning without asking everyone else who may hate him. Avoiding these polls is very important because of their credibility.

5- Almost each Channel Producing Different Results?

Almost everyone is showing different results which is another question. In some polls, Biden is winning with the majority but other polls show very close results. Everyone is using different methods to calculate & make people confuse all the time. There is only one crap common in all of these polls & that is Trump will lose this election. But everything else is completely different which is confusing, look fake & really stupid.

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6- Trump Silent Popularity

Another reason to hate these polls and avoid them is Trump's silent popularity. He is the first president in history who actually cares about people & his thinking or whatever he is doing is all that people are actually looking for in America. For example, people don't want to waste trillions on useless wars, Trump is all bout hate for wars. People know about Corona Drama, Trump is also talking about everything to be open again. These polls do not matters because people love Trump and that's true.


These polls are very important for the people of America. You can use them as a filter for the rest of your life. If a channel shows fake results, just turn it off forever. There is no need to see that kind of fake propaganda news. If a site is showing Biden winning, just block it in your browser & that's it. You may find only 5% or fewer channels or sites which you can actually follow. USE THESE POLLS AS FILTER TO REMOVE ENEMIES OF AMERICA FROM YOUR LIFE.

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US Election 2020 Series – Important Reasons to Know Why these Polls Prediction Against Trump are Fake?

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