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"Regardless of political affiliation, we as Americans have a responsibility to ourselves, to future generations, and to the rest of the world to work towards a clean and sustainable United States. It is absolutely critical that our country does not waste four valuable years deregulating fossil fuels and promoting coal mining and fracking. Myron Ebell has said that he would "like to have more funding" to "combat the nonsense put out by the environmental movement.""
The following is an email from I've received earlier... Definitely worth a read, especially if you live in the US or/and care for the future of this planet.
Stay safe.
Loup Dargent
The Email
Regardless of political affiliation, we as Americans have a responsibility to ourselves, to future generations, and to the rest of the world to work towards a clean and sustainable United States.
It is absolutely critical that our country does not waste four valuable years deregulating fossil fuels and promoting coal mining and fracking. Myron Ebell has said that he would "like to have more funding" to "combat the nonsense put out by the environmental movement."
This rhetoric reveals a fundamental unwillingness to heed the unanimous warnings of the scientific community that direct and immediate action is necessary to prevent disastrous damage to the stability of the planet.
We must make it clear to Donald Trump and the U.S. Senate that we will not stand for the appointment of such an ill-suited and completely unqualified candidate to lead the EPA Transition. This petition calls for the disqualification of Myron Ebell and anyone he attempts to appoint within the EPA.
Donald Trump: disavow Myon Ebell as a legitimate candidate for the EPA Transition and appoint a qualified candidate.
U.S. Senate: do not confirm Myron Ebell or anyone he nominates to any EPA position. Ebell has proven himself fundamentally unfit for his proposed position, and it is unacceptable to allow him to pursue his reckless agenda.
It is time for the United States to lead the world in a sustainable future. Make your voice heard--this issue is too important to neglect.
Watch this 47-second video if you need a reminder just how much is at stake.
Sign Steve's petition
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