Debate Magazine

U.S.-backed Syrian Opposition Linked to Bilderberg, CFR, Goldman Sachs & George Soros

Posted on the 17 July 2012 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
now of course this maybe utter fog-of-war counter-intel global-obfuscation bullshit, but, according to Alex Newman writing in The New American
U.S.-backed Syrian Opposition Linked to Bilderberg, CFR, Goldman Sachs & George SorosU.S.-backed Syrian Opposition Linked to Bilderberg, CFR, Goldman Sachs & George Soros
The foreign-financed armed rebellion and the Western-backed opposition to Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad has been falsely portrayed as a spontaneous uprising of “democracy” activists since violence first broke out more than a year ago. But according to a recent investigation published in the U.K. Guardian, top figures in the “regime-change” coalition — most notably the Syrian National Council (SNC) — have intimate links to the highest ranks of the world elite: the shadowy Bilderberg conference, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Goldman Sachs megabank, billionaire financier George Soros, and, of course, the U.S. government. It is all out in the open, too.
On top of that, the report suggests that much of the war propaganda being used to promote international military intervention and “revolution” is actually slick public-relations gimmicks financed by large tax-exempt foundations and even the governments being asked to intervene. And there is big money behind the spread of the disinformation. Consider the seemingly never-ending reports about “civilian massacres” blamed on the Syrian tyrant — almost always from anonymous “activists” — that continually prove to be exaggerated, fabricated, or even perpetrated by the Western-backed rebels themselves, and then blamed on the regime.

Rather interesting (and Arab Spring-Summer-inflammatory) claims, don't you think?
Don't you, think?

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