Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Urgent: Reserves and Parks Not Enough to Protect Nature – David Attenborough

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

GR:  As the human population and impact grows, wildlife is declining worldwide just as in the U.K. The National Wildlife Federation Backyard Wildlife Habitat program covers basic ideas.  Start there.  Then, look for opportunities to recommend other sites.  As Attenborough says, many other places that we modify and use can be habitat.

Urgent:  Reserves and parks not enough to protect nature – David Attenborough
“Broadcaster calls for radical new approach to conservation, urging people to use all spaces from gardens to roadside verges to help wildlife.

“Speaking at the RSPB’s Conference for Nature in London, Attenborough said it was now understood that British wildlife was in grave peril of disappearing. “50% of the hedgehog population has gone in 25 years, 90% of the wildlife meadows have disappeared in 100 years; 60% of all wildlife is diminishing and in danger, with 10% doomed to disappear in the next decades. Nowhere in Britain is unsullied, is unaffected by human action. We now have a huge population living cheek by jowl with nature.”  Source:

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By Sam Williams
posted on 25 February at 17:00

Conservation in this country is really important and this post is really important so people know and start helping!