Religion Magazine

UPDATED: The ‘Hawaii-Iveron’ Theotokos

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UPDATED: The ‘Hawaii-Iveron’ Theotokos

UPDATE: We have temporarily placed the icon print of the ‘Hawaii-Iveron’ Theotokos for safekeeping in an old silver frame that was lying around. This until the newly purchased frame arrives. Meanwhile, we have given Our Lady a 17th century, handmade, Maltese bobbin lace setting (bizzilla), in heartfelt thanks for gracing us with both her icon print and the cotton-wool relic bathed in myrrh. The bizzilla – our permanent gift to her – shall be transferred with the icon print into the new silver frame upon its arrival. We are stunned at how much fragrance of roses the icon print is still exuding!

UPDATED: The ‘Hawaii-Iveron’ Theotokos

Unexpectedly, we have just been given a small, but very beautiful, icon print of the ‘Hawaii-Iveron’ Theotokos, as well as a cotton-wool relic with some of the myrrh that streams from her original icon. Printed on the back is the following: “This icon has been blessed and anointed with myrrh from the Miracleworking and Myrrh-Streaming ‘Hawaiian’ Iveron Icon of the Holy Theotokos.” You can learn more about this wonderworking icon here.
The very strong fragrance of delicate roses that started coming out when the envelope was opened is unbelievable! Even the icon print itself is fragrant, not just the relic. We shall be placing this icon and its cotton-wool relic in an appropriate frame. Wholehearted thanks to Our Lady and the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia for giving us these precious gifts. We treasure them and shall now be showing the icon print to as many people as possible for veneration.

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