Lifestyle Magazine

Updated: Asian Television Award 2016

By Chaayen
Hi guys, I have finally got around to uploading some of  the videos on my Youtube (will upload along the way). So I thought it was a really good time to blog about it. :P Just in case you guys didn't know, but editing videos are a lot harder than just writing a blog post. But I guess we should always try out different medium. :PUpdated: Asian Television Award 2016So being quite lucky, I won the tickets to Asian Television Award 2016. Honestly I was only there for JJ Lin. Like duh right. In the end, I realised Charlie was there too.  I have created a mash video of all my favorite songs there. Yea, even from some singers I have never heard of. Hehehe. Will load the mash up somewhere.And  if you wondering why this is all the photos I have...that's really all I took. The rest were either in video form or the BF face is plastered right inside. LOL. Our seats weren't that great by the way. Quite far. That's the closest I will ever be in a concert T.THere's some song from JJ Lin by the way. I think the records weren't too bad for my standards. By the way, if we were to ever have such write-ups or if I edit my old posts, all the videos would be like posted as and when I like. LOL So you can just follow my Youtube Channel here. Really nothing fancy, just some lame videos I post as and when I am free. :)Anyway I decided to write this post because there is barely anything on this online when I was searching it. So just wanted to tell you guys, please remember to bring your own snacks (Snacks are very expensive there and remember to have your dinner!) and come early to get good seats. Also, drink less water. This is a live show so you can only enter during intermission if you go for toilet breaks. Enjoy~~~

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