Marketing & Advertising Magazine

{Updated} Algopix Review 2019: Is It Really Worth It ? (Pros & Cons)

Posted on the 19 September 2019 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger
Summary: We conduct a detailed review of Algopix and discuss its features, characteristics, pricing, policies, and all the important things you need to know before making the final decision. Read the section about the Algopix Review in the following section.

Developing a business is more than selling your products and expecting your profits to double. It's also about understanding your market and giving you a better overview.

That way, you'll see the opportunities that you have to grow your business and reduce the commitment that comes with your decisions.

Algopix offers you an intelligent platform to compete with other markets.

Read the full Algopix Review in the below section.

Algopix Review 2019: Is It Good For Product Research?

Detailed About Algopix Review

It also generates actionable and valuable information. Whether users are looking for the right products to sell, identify the right markets, analyze the global demand for products, or run competitor analytics, Algopix has all the information they need to make smart decisions.

Researching and analyzing products with Algopix is ​​quick and easy.

{Updated} Algopix Review 2019: Is It Really Worth It ? (Pros & Cons)

With its advanced algorithms, the platform automatically updates the buy and sell data of products in markets such as eBay, Amazon, and Walmart.

The platform can show users how much money they need to spend to buy a particular product, what benefits they get when they sell the product on a particular market, and what fees they have to pay (for example, to process Shipping and Payment).

You can also see if competition between suppliers offering the same products is strong or weak.

In addition, Google AdWords information will be provided. Suggest a search term for each product and specify the cost per click and cost per acquisition associated with the search term.

How does Algopix work?

Everything starts with a product of interest. With a product identifier such as ASIN, UPC, or EAN, the Algopix engine begins the process of understanding.

With connections to 13 eBay and Amazon markets worldwide, Algopix collects the most important information points.

The Algopix engine uses patented algorithms to analyze the data and provides valuable information for each market, including a "recommended" or "not recommended" index for vendors who want to make quick decisions.

With this information, online sellers can make better buying and selling decisions.

{Updated} Algopix Review 2019: Is It Really Worth It ? (Pros & Cons)

And knowing what to buy and where to sell means higher profits and lower risks.

Step 1: Identify the product you want to search for.

Step 2: Enter a text phrase or product ID.

Step 3: Specify the price of the item that you think you are.

Step 4: Choose the market interest in which you want to search. The least is a market and you can choose as many markets as you like.

Step 5: Select the status of the desired product.

This is optional. However, you can also enable Step 6: Google AdWords analytics by checking the appropriate box.

Step 7: Click the Submit button. Algopix strives for real-time information.

Algopix Features

The tool offers a product search for:
  • unique product
  • Bulk Product: Up to 3,000 products that you can download via Excel
  • Product discovery: analysis of keywords in title, name or brand

And then you can search ...

{Updated} Algopix Review 2019: Is It Really Worth It ? (Pros & Cons)
Supported markets
  • Algopix supports 16 different brands:
  • Amazon: USA, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Australia and Canada
  • eBay: USA, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Australia
  • Walmart: United States
Product search selection Product filters
  • ID Type: ASIN, UPC, EAN13, eBay Item ID, Walmart Object ID or Keywords
  • Market Identification: Use the Algopix algorithm or the market algorithm itself
  • Product condition: new, used, overhauled
  • Execution: freight forwarders or FBA / MCF
  • Sent by: USA USA, UK or Australia
  • Price range included
  • Market selection: only 1 market or 16
{Updated} Algopix Review 2019: Is It Really Worth It ? (Pros & Cons)
Product search settings: Information about the product search

The Algopix team

  • Therefore, the tool offers a selection for each product we are looking for
  • Product identifiers
  • Recommended market price
  • Spending details
  • competitive analysis
  • demand level
  • Estimated benefit
  • Total sales estimate

They decided to integrate the manual process into intelligent processes that help the online marketplace.

{Updated} Algopix Review 2019: Is It Really Worth It ? (Pros & Cons)

Algopix, which now has ten employees, is rapidly changing the market and offering sellers the opportunity to take advantage of many opportunities.

Market study for online sellers

Analyze market demand, possible margins and shipping costs for current and future stocks.

There is a better way to search

Algopix is ​​a comprehensive product search platform that provides eBay and Amazon salespeople with the data they need to make informed decisions.

Data-based information for multiple eBay and Amazon markets

Algopix, which supports more than 10 unique markets, provides worldwide usable information.

With key data such as product identifiers, recommended the market price, detailed cost breakdown, competitive analysis, demand level, and estimated profits, online sellers can achieve better results.

By using real-world data and advanced algorithms, Algopix provides a recommended or not recommended index for each market to simplify the process as much as possible.

Understand the full table including the costs

Algopix provides a detailed analysis of the fees associated with the sale of a product, including shipping costs (BAF rates for Amazon Markets), market rates, PayPal fees and taxes for each market of interest.

Get valuable information about Amazon competitors

Algopix provides online suppliers with a better view of the competitive landscape by providing key data such as the total number of suppliers offering the product, the purchase price at purchase price, FBA accessibility, category mapping and product classification in the Amazon catalog.

{Updated} Algopix Review 2019: Is It Really Worth It ? (Pros & Cons)

Find out about the return on investment of Google AdWords campaigns

Depending on the products you are looking for, Algopix Google AdWords Analytics will provide you with a recommended search term, the average cost per click, level of knowledge, and estimated cost per acquisition for a recommended term.

With a better overview of the AdWords landscape for each product, online providers can make more informed investment decisions.

Analyze multiple products at the same time

Save time by analyzing up to 200 products simultaneously. Algopix Multi-Item Evaluation (Beta) gives online sellers the ability to easily download an offer or another list of products for lock-ins.

5 reasons why every online retailer should use an intelligent product search

The e-commerce sector continues to grow every year and online retailers continue to feel the pressure of increasing competition.

Through this competition, retailers have learned to rely on product research programs that help them find and list products that sell well and have substantial profit margins.

{Updated} Algopix Review 2019: Is It Really Worth It ? (Pros & Cons)

The most successful companies have learned to use product search tools to make important product and organizational development decisions.

If you do not use a product search tool when searching for products, you will miss them. Here are five reasons why users consider Amazon and eBay search tools essential if you want to build a competitive online retail store.

Evaluate your competition

Regardless of how big your Internet retail business is, you need to know how to use the eBay and Amazon search tools to rate your competitors and products if you want to be successful.

You never have to zero your search objects. Using online product search tools, you can navigate thousands of products to see which products are generally available, popular, and actually sold. With this information, you can avoid wasting a large portion of your money on products that can remain on your shelves.

Use this Algopix to see exactly what your competitors are doing, what qualifications they have, how many reviews they have, the exact price of the Amazon box, and other useful details.

Defined revenue and expenses

Another important feature of a product study tool is that it presents a picture of your expected revenue and expenditure.

{Updated} Algopix Review 2019: Is It Really Worth It ? (Pros & Cons)

Products with higher sales prices may initially seem attractive, especially if you can achieve a fair gross profit with the sale. However, you must also specify the number of your expenses.

Scan several markets

Even if you do not want to sell a product through eBay or Amazon outside the US, it does not hurt to understand the behavior of a particular product in Europe and other key markets. You can not predict if your current market will be too big.

Therefore, it is extremely important to be prepared for it. Amazon and eBay search tools will help you.

Every country has its own product trends. The analysis of foreign markets helps you to find new product proposals that you can sell on your own market.

{Updated} Algopix Review 2019: Is It Really Worth It ? (Pros & Cons)

The more data you can gather in an article and its functionality in different markets, the better. Successful ecommerce companies understand the importance of product data because they can make an informed decision about selling a particular product in a particular area.

Look for multiple products when searching for a product

You know that if you want to run an efficient ecommerce business, you need to automate certain operations. Things like shipping labels, email orders, and other tedious tasks should be automated unless you want to waste a lot of time.

It's important to find good products if you want to run a small and lucrative business.

The discovery of these products, however, takes a long time. eBay and Amazon, a versatile search tool, simplify product searches by scanning multiple items at the same time. That way, you can create detailed product lists that really deserve to be explored.

Do not waste hundreds of hours checking individual products if you can scan hundreds at a time.

Save money with a complete tool

One of the criticisms of most ecommerce entrepreneurs is that there are too many tools. Each tool seems to be good at the same time and only one.

With a good product search, you can solve more than one problem. For example, with Algopix, you can find products, track your revenue and spend, see what your competitors are doing, and provide useful Google AdWords data on the products you're looking for.

{Updated} Algopix Review 2019: Is It Really Worth It ? (Pros & Cons)

If you want to buy tools to help you manage your ecommerce business, you should find one that can solve many problems at the same time. No one wants to cover 10 SaaS subscriptions every month, so take the time to fill your tool belt with the best options.

Algopix Benefits

Generate product information in all markets.

Algopix can help you to identify and understand the pros and cons of selling your products in different markets like eBay, Amazon, and Walmart.

In this way, Algopix provides them with all the information they need about the products they need in all markets.

The Product Market Research Platform provides the demand, potential benefits and associated costs of a product in each market.

Users can access product pricing data to see if buying and selling a product in a particular market is a good decision or not.

Algopix processes and analyzes all these data points and automatically suggests whether users should sell the products on the market.

Enable Competitive Analysis

Algopix facilitates the analysis of competition by users. The platform allows them to check the number of sellers on the market who sell the same products.

{Updated} Algopix Review 2019: Is It Really Worth It ? (Pros & Cons)

You can check whether suppliers are executing and sending orders for FBA or Fulfillment By Amazon products and whether the products are prominently listed in the Amazon catalog so they can analyze and assess risks.

Access to sales performance data

Algopix has a feature called Sales Estimator that helps users make better decisions when they buy products.

This feature provides important sales performance data, such as: For example, an estimate of product quantities sold each month and revenue from product sales.

This helps companies avoid inventory surpluses and sell more profitable products.

Optimize advertising costs

Marketing professionals and their teams can leverage Algopix's ability to generate Google AdWords information for more efficient and profitable advertising campaigns.

The platform also provides the average cost per click and the estimated cost of each research phase.

In this way, users can develop better marketing plans and use their marketing budget wisely.

Why choose Algopix? (Read Full Algopix Review)

Algopix has completely revolutionized the online market by providing an intelligent search platform.

As founders have a deep understanding of how the e-commerce industry works, customers can benefit more.

Algopix strives to provide key decision-making data to help you grow your business, compare or simply launch the market, and leverage resources intelligently.

{Updated} Algopix Review 2019: Is It Really Worth It ? (Pros & Cons)

Algopix wants to give sellers a way to compete more effectively and with the least risk to their business.

What Algopix does not do

There was no negative opinion about Algopix and consumers generally appreciated the product.

One positive contributor to the Internet retailer said that Algopix had decided to identify products that sold quickly in multiple locations.

He said he had received excellent comments from his customers that they liked to buy products that they could not find easily elsewhere, which helped him to build credibility.

He said he uses Algopix to study the competitive landscape and find the ideal products. He also explained that Algopix became the reference for a variety of products due to his data-driven analysis and that his constant research on emerging trends throughout the scene helped him to stay one step ahead of the game. in his competitors.

Prісіng Plan

There are 3 plans available:

Monthly Unlimited: $34,99/month, billed monthly

Annual Unlimited: $27,99/month, but billed annually

Enterprise Plan: contact for pricing


Try 7 Days Free Tools, no money Transfer required

Pros and Cons

{Updated} Algopix Review 2019: Is It Really Worth It ? (Pros & Cons)

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Conclusion: Algopix Review | Is It Worth?

It's the only product search tool you'll find with Amazon, eBay, and Walmart information. Period.

Nevertheless, Algopix is ​​one of the tools that best visually displays product search information, and the only one I've reviewed so far, that really suggests whether a product is right for you or not.

I mean, we can find a lot of data in Junglescout or AMZScout, but the decision to sell or not to sell a product depends only on us. Algopix helps us to use our own data that other tools can not offer.

Other product search tools analyze products in a single market but analyze only one product in 16 different markets. This is a fundamental change if you are trying to sell worldwide.


I recommend that you check it during the trial period. No doubt you will join the 70,000 satisfied customers.

  • Algopix will provide invaluable information such as expense breakdowns, recommended selling price, etc.
  • it provides relevant marketing insights from an integrated Google AdWord analysis
  • Analyze 200+ products at once in a bulk analysis
  • a quick analysis of products in eCommerce environments
  • Greater brand recognition than BridgeTrack (estimated)
  • Offers more frequent discounts and promotions than BridgeTrack

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{Updated} Algopix Review 2019: Is It Really Worth It ? (Pros & Cons)

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