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By Rockmefabulous @RockMeFabulous

H ello Beautiful,
 I know I haven't been posting lately but that's because I finally moved. It's been about two weeks since we've been in the new apartment. Which is more than enough time to get everything in order, however as it's a very new building we are getting a lot of trouble to get our cable and internet hooked up. when we called our cable and internet provider we were told they needed to install something under the building. I'm not too sure what it is exactly so I'm not going to go into detail. I just know that when I heard them say that it will take about two weeks for them to do a site survey I was so frustrated that I just stopped listening to them.
However to my surprise they came yesterday to do the site survey! You could just imagine how I jumpped for joy. But my excitement didn't last long because then they said it will take them about a month to get the thing - a- ma-whatsit they need to install under the building. So that's a month without blogging? It's too painful to think about.
I tried once before to blog with my BlackBerry but I wasn't getting it but I decided to give it another try this morning. If this works, and I'm hoping it does, I will be able to continue blogging despite my internet providers downfall.
Hopefully I'll post again soon, until then ttyl Bombshells.

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