Family Magazine

Until February, Enjoy the Best of MenGetPregnantToo

By Kenny Bodanis @KennyBodanis

Hello Readers,

I've written before about my ability to professionally procrastinate; my failed New Year's Resolutions; as well as my newfound resolve for 2013.
As a result of this (a favorite expression of our local mayor - who left office under suspicious circumstances), I am focusing on polishing my book and its accompanying proposal (title - "Men Get Pregnant, Too" - imagine!).
The month of January will be strictly devoted to this, and, no doubt, a number of distractions which will get in the way (such as updated this blog's graphics).
While I'm huddled in my writing workshop, I invite you to scan some the best of the blog, available at this link:

Men Get Pregnant, Too Favorites

Enjoy. We'll talk in February, afetr the Dad 2.0 Summit.

Kenny B.


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