
UNP Revived the Dead Economy

Posted on the 01 May 2024 by Frontpage
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President Ranil Wickremesinghe urged political parties, including the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) and Janatha Vimukti Peramuna (JVP), to collaborate with the government in safeguarding the country’s economic stability by ensuring the success of the agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

President’s gift to plantation workers: Daily wage increased to Rs. 1,700

 UNP revived the dead economyPresident Ranil Wickremesinghe announced an increase in the daily wage of plantation workers to Rs.1,700. He reiterated his unwavering commitment to addressing the challenges faced by the plantation community, affirming his dedication to safeguarding their rights during his tenure as President.

These remarks were made during his address at the May day rally of the Ceylon Workers’ Congress (CWC) held at the Kotagala Public ground yesterday morning (1).

The President attended the rally at the behest of the CWC, extending his participation in response to their invitation. Upon arrival at the ground, he received a warm welcome from CWC Leader Senthil Thondaman and General Secretary Minister Jeevan Thondaman. “We have raised the daily wage of plantation workers to Rs. 1700. We remain committed to addressing the challenges faced by the plantation community. In collaboration with Prime Minister and Minister Jeevan Thondaman, we’ve deliberated on legally designating these ‘line rooms’ as villages. This designation will grant them access to the same facilities enjoyed by rural villages. We are determined to pursue these initiatives. Education for the children in plantation community has been a priority for us. We’re actively recruiting teachers specializing in science subjects to enhance their educational opportunities. During my tenure as Prime Minister, I initiated the establishment of laboratory facilities in numerous schools in these areas.

As a government, we have consistently prioritized the welfare of plantation workers. I empathize deeply with their challenges and understand their needs. Therefore, I, as the President, affirm my commitment to safeguarding the rights of plantation workers under my leadership.

Now, the focus is on advancing development in these areas. Consequently, we’re directing efforts towards infrastructure development by augmenting wages. Furthermore, it’s worth emphasizing that the agricultural modernization program is not confined solely to rural areas but extends to the plantation sector as well.”

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