Religion Magazine

Unity of the Divine and Sacred Hearts

By Mba @mbartoloabela

God the Father leads us to Jesus, similarly to the manner in which Jesus leads us to our Father. In fact, Jesus said that, “everyone whom the Father gives Me will come to Me” (Jn 6:37) and that, “no one can come to Me unless drawn by the Father who sent Me” (Jn 6:44). So not only does Jesus lead us without fail to our Father, as most of us are already aware of, but for those who may go directly to the Father, they will find that they will be inevitably led back by our Father Himself to Jesus; to be raised up in accord with the latter’s words, “those whom You took from the world to give Me. They were Yours and You gave them to Me” (Jn 17:6) and that, “No one can come to the Father except through Me” (Jn 14:6).

Such a process of return occurs because we cannot be in the Divine Heart of God the Father without simultaneously being in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, because the Core of our Father’s Divine Heart is One with the Sacred Heart of the Son, in and through the unity of the Holy Spirit, since “the Father and I are one” (Jn 10:30), “the Father is in Me and I am in the Father” (Jn 10:38, 14:11); and “Father, You are in Me and I am in You” (Jn 17:21). It is precisely to reconcile us with our Heavenly Father – to re-open the gate for us, in order to be able to return, to live in our Father’s Divine Heart and Will: Infinite Love – that Jesus came on earth to redeem us more than two thousand years ago. This is an immutable fact clearly illustrated in the Gospel of John, whereby Jesus both points us toward and shows us the Face and Will of our Eternal Father (Jn 12:44-50).

(Source: The Divine Heart of God the Father, 2nd rev. ed.).

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