Entertainment Magazine

Unfortunate: The Untold Story of Ursula the Sea Witch – Review

Posted on the 10 July 2024 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Shawna Hamic – Ursula
River Medway – Ariel
Thomas Lowe – Triton
Allie Dart – Sebastian
Jamie Mawson – Eric
Julian Capolei – Grimsby
Corrina Buchan – Ensemble
Jack Gray – Ensemble
Jamie McKillop – Ensemble
Milly Willows – Ensemble

Date: Thursday 4th July 2024
Venue: Theatre Royal, Newcastle


A journey back under the sea to catch up with Ursula and find out her side of what really happened in The Little Mermaid, but this isn’t like anything that anyone has ever seen before. It contains a filthy (and hilarious) hot pop soundtrack, which will have you crying with laughter in your seat.

We follow a young Ursula who wants to be more than a toilet sucker, and falls in love with Triton but that is not something that goes down very well with his father. From that she is then banshed and we see what really happened to her and how she ended up with Ariel and the plan.

Nothing can actually prepare you for what will unfold throughout Unfortunate and I mean that in the best possible way. Before heading to see this show I had seen a few video clips online and even that could not prepare for the wild ride, seriously I hit a point where my face actually ached from laughing!

The thing is though with that it was also very clever as well, combining the story with hilarious lyrics and being fully queer. Nothing was left unsafe and you cannot help but root for Ursula and the rather useless Triton.

Unfortunate: The Untold Story of Ursula the Sea Witch – Review
Unfortunate: The Untold Story of Ursula the Sea Witch – Review
Unfortunate: The Untold Story of Ursula the Sea Witch – Review

When Ariel appears it gets even more wild after knowing that she wants to go “Where the Dicks Are” and quite frankly that was utterly incredible. With other song titles “We Didn’t Make It to Disney”, “Suckin’ on You” and “Hot Girl Summer” it manages to mash up everything we laugh about in society today (yes, basic bitch) and the Disney we know and love.

Naturally, given the nature of the show it is certainly not for children at all, a very grown up sex fueled musical. Taken from an Edinburgh Fringe show and adapted into a bigger musical. Isn’t “Poor Unfortunate Souls” everyone’s favorite Disney villian song?

The performances are all utterly brilliant Shawna Hamic as Ursula was excellent and looks to be having the time of her life in that octopus costume, oh and that hair! River Medway as Ariel, taking it all to a different level was anyone expecting the accent to be like that? Thomas Lowe as Triton was utterly hilarious from start to finish and looked amazing too. Allie Dart as Sebastian and Julian Capolei as Grimsby also took on more roles and were constantly on stage and changing between them which was a true joy to behold. Jamie Mawson as Eric was given the task of being utterly ridiculous and pulls it all off.

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