Fashion Magazine

Understanding the Style Puzzle – 9 Keys to Unlocking Your Style

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Style Puzzle There is no one route to style. You cannot become instantly stylish just from understanding your body shape (sorry Trinny and Susannah, it’s just not that simple). There is, what I call, the Style Puzzle, a group of elements when they all go together define your personal style.

These puzzle pieces are just the start too.  You can delve into them and branch out to discover more and more!


To me, the personality element is the most important, it is all about being our authentic selves.  Our uniqueness is to be enjoyed and displayed.  We need to express who we are through everything we wear. It will tell us whether we want to stick to or break our “rules”.

Creating Harmony with Your Personality

Rules are Made to be Broken

How to be More Creative with Your Wardrobe

How to Develop Your Personal Style

Discover Your Signature Style

The Difference between Signature and Personal Style

S is for Style

Who do You Want to Be?

What Did You Discover About Your Personal Style?

How to Find Necklaces to Suit Your Personality Style

What’s Your Colour Personality

How Your Personality Influences Your Choice of Prints

Defining Features

These relate to the harmony we display based on our facial appearance.  It’s something I go into much more fully in my 7 Steps to Style system.  When we relate the shapes of the details in our clothing and accessories to our facial features, we create a harmony and resonance that is particularly pleasing.

 What are your Defining Features?

Body Shapes

Knowing your body shape will tell you where to put the detail and interest in your clothing.  Where you want to look for horizontal lines to balance, or add verticals to elongate.

Body Shapes Explained, Defining Points

Body Proportions

To me, proportions are more valuable than body shape.   Proportions are all about balance (which is something we find most aesthetically appealing).   Proprtions tell you where to end hems, lengths of skirts, jackets, tops, sleeves and jewelry .  They also tell you more about where to add detail and where to keep clean and have minimal attention drawn to areas of your body.

How to Measure Your Body Proportions

Body Proportions Explained

More Ways to Flatter Your Body Proportions

Body Proportions Explained – Long Rise

Body Proportions Explained – Small Bust but Long Decolletage

Body Proportions Explained – Large Bust

Body Proportions Explained – Short Mid Body

Body Proportions Explained – Short Body, Long Legs

Body Proportions Explained – Long Body, Short Legs

How to Use the Golden Mean when Dressing


Scale tells you how large or small your accessories and clothing elements need to be to create a harmony and balance.

S is for Scale

3 Essential Elements when Choosing Flattering Prints

How to Understand the Elements of Prints

What Size Handbag

How to Choose a Necklace

Large Bust – Large Necklace


There are so many different sorts of fabric textures.  Thick, chunky, fine, furry, smooth, soft, buttery, just to name a few.  The textures you choose will be influenced by your personality and your body shape, but also by your appearance.

T is for Texture

The Yin and Yang of Clothing

Finding the Right Texture and Sheen for You

How Formal is that Fabric

How to Flatter Patterned Skin

Choosing Flattering Texture


Another fabric element that reflects your personality as well as your natural appearance.

Matte Sheen or Shine?

What Sheen Should I Choose

How to Wear Metallic Accessories

How to Add a Touch of Glamour to Your Everyday Style

N is for Nighttime

What to Wear to a Wedding

How to Choose an Evening Dress that Will Last a Decade

Levels of Refinement


Somatype is the Greek word for Body Type.  It relates to how your flesh is arranged over your bones.  Are you hard and muscly, bony or soft and cushioned?  Your Somatype will tell you which will be the most flattering and comfortable fabrics, both weight and drape to choose.

What Sort of Fabric Drape Should I Choose for My Body


It’s not in the picture of the puzzle, but to me is an integral part of choosing a flattering garment for you.  Colours either harmonize with your natural colouring, or they create a dissonance, which can be unpleasant, or even make you appear sickly.

SIgnature Colours and  more Finding Your Signature Colours

Understanding Colour Systems and Personal Colour Analysis

Using Simultaneous Contrast to Change the Way a Colour Looks

What is Monochromatic Dressing

Getting Your Contrast Levels Right

What are Clashing Colours

How to Mix Colours

Understanding Colours – Tints, Tones, Shades

Understanding Undertones

How Your Colouring Changes as You Age

Understanding Colour Properties

How to Work with Your Colour Palette

How to Combine Colours

What’s Your Best Neutral – Red Hair

What’s Your Best Neutral – Grey Hair

What’s Your Best Neutral – Brunette

What’s Your Best Neutral – Blonde

Shades of Grey

Going Green

What Are Universal Colours

Which Metallics Can I Wear?

C is for Colour

These posts I’ve linked to here are just some of the many I’ve written on these various topics over the years.  But as you can see, discovering what suits the uniqueness of you – comes down to way more than just understanding your body shape!

What have you found to be the most relevant information to finding your style?

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